Theme Day February 2008 'What your city is known for?'
Name of the city Tuzla is derived from the Turkish word Tuz, meaning salt, because we are known for its salt resources.
Have fun visiting cities around the world participating:
Portland (OR), USA - Menton, France - Monte Carlo, Monaco - Memphis (Tennessee), USA - Manila, Philippines - San Diego (CA), USA - Anderson (SC), USA - New York City (NY), USA - San Diego (CA), USA - Mexico City, Mexico - San Francisco (CA), USA - Mumbai (Maharashtra), India - Mainz, Germany - Weston (FL), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Turin, Italy - Las Vegas (NV), USA - Hobart (Tasmania), Australia - Bicheno, Australia - Durban, South Africa - Joplin (MO), USA - Nashville (TN), USA - Stockholm, Sweden - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Brussels, Belgium - Chicago (IL), USA - Montpellier, France - Seattle (WA), USA - Mazatlan, Mexico - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Sharon (CT), USA - Sesimbra, Portugal - Toulouse, France - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Susanville (CA), USA - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Saint Louis (MO), USA - Prague, Czech Republic - Helsinki, Finland - Pilisvörösvár, Hungary - Lisbon, Portugal - Mexico (DF), Mexico - Trujillo, Peru - Dunedin (FL), USA - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Port Angeles (WA), USA - Cottage Grove (MN), USA - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - London, UK - Baziège, France - Jefferson City (MO), USA - Greenville (SC), USA - Selma (AL), USA - Mumbai, India - Naples (FL), USA - Norwich (Norfolk), UK - Silver Spring (MD), USA - Setúbal, Portugal - Stayton (OR), USA - Bellefonte (PA), USA - Sofia, Bulgaria - Arradon, France - Montego Bay, Jamaica - Athens, Greece - Austin (TX), USA - Singapore, Singapore - West Sacramento (CA), USA - Jackson (MS), USA - Wassenaar (ZH), Netherlands - Budapest, Hungary - Rotterdam, Netherlands - St Malo, France - Chandler (AZ), USA - Melbourne, Australia - Port Vila, Vanuatu - Cleveland (OH), USA - Nottingham, UK - Kansas City (MO), USA - The Hague, Netherlands - Crystal Lake (IL), USA - Wrocław, Poland - Chateaubriant, France - Cheltenham, UK - Moscow, Russia - Monrovia (CA), USA - Saigon, Vietnam - Toruń, Poland - Grenoble, France - Lisbon, Portugal - New Orleans (LA), USA - Sydney, Australia - Boston (MA), USA - American Fork (UT), USA - Boston (MA), USA - Montréal (QC), Canada - Wichita (KS), USA - Radonvilliers, France - Buenos Aires, Argentina - Christchurch, New Zealand - Rabaul, Papua New Guinea - Wailea (HI), USA - Aliso Viejo (CA), USA - St Francis, South Africa - Port Elizabeth, South Africa - Seattle (WA), USA - Pasadena (CA), USA - Vienna, Austria - Orlando (FL), USA - Torun, Poland - Delta (CO), USA - Santa Fe (NM), USA - Minneapolis (MN), USA - Haninge, Sweden - Paris, France - Stavanger, Norway - Niamey, Niger - Le Guilvinec, France - Bogor, Indonesia - Saarbrücken, Germany - Auckland, New Zealand - Wellington, New Zealand - Budapest, Hungary - Juneau (AK), USA - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Glasgow, Scotland - Chicago (IL), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Adelaide (SA), Australia - Sydney, Australia - Riga, Latvia - Subang Jaya (Selangor), Malaysia - Terrell (TX), USA - Terrell (TX), USA - Inverness (IL), USA
I love the combination of the clear blue sky and the old wood in this pic.
First, I thought you've found oil!
Love the photo coz here we only see gray sky for weeks already.
Happy theme day Jazzy :)
wow, never knew that !
Looks like great weather your way. OK, here we go - I've made my wish :)
Hi Jazzy, I only know your city through your blog, so I'm glad that you showed this photo and explained!
I actually didn't know that about Tuzla! It reminds me of my neighbor to the north, Salt Lake City, Utah.
I didn't realize interesting! and a great photo, too~
Salt! Very nice to know that!
Great photo with wonderful colors! Happy Theme Day!
Salt is a good thing to be known for. Salt used to be used for money. A nice treatment of the well tower.
Wow....salt! Like gold in the old days...almost. Happy Theme Day from Maui, Hawaii.
Always learning... :)
Great shot! I like the height and the blue sky.
Happy Theme Day!
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
I did not know this about your town. very nice.
I did not know that.
I love this Theme Day! I'm learning so much about so many places today :)
I had seen from a previous visit that your city produces salt. Is this extracted from water drawn from the wells?
We have a number of salt pans in our city where the water is evaporated to extract salt from the sea
Forgive me! I didn't get around much on Theme Day but I still want to visit and send my regards. Great choice, esp since salt is so important for our diet. Sometimes very good; other times pretty bad!
I would never have known. It looks like there are blechers in the forground. I wonder why?
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