Theme Day July 2007 The Color Red
Have a great red Sunday!
Please find some time to visit red CDP around the world.
There are currently 99 blogs participating in this theme day:
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what a lot of lovely red flowers
beautiful field...beautiful photo-one of the best I've seen today!
I can't recognize those flowers, but those colors look so nice together.
so beautiful Jazzy. I wish I could be there right now...running wild all over the field :)
I love red and purple together...must be my age.
What a joyous scene. Running around and through those gorgeous blooms certainly would be a treat!
Oh Jazzy, I really love this summer red flowers! Sooo beautiful.
Happy Sunday to you too.
Really nice shot that shows summer at its best.
Beautiful flowers! I have flowers too, but our photos are very different. I like these theme days. :-)
Beautiful shot. I thought they were poppies when I saw them in the portal but now see they are something else, I don't know them. Lovely choice for today.
oh.. those two colours goes so well together!
Happy Theme Day Jazzy!
A very pretty picture. And the red is nice too.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Lovely. Just lovely....
What a beautiful photo. Red is a strong colour.
That red stands out with the purple around it. Nice shot.
soooooooooooo lovely ;)
pretty red flowers
That's spectacular. Where did you take it - in a park?
AHHH, summer is here! Rain and rain for us, in France, so I do enjoy your red choice.
Superbe, tres beau champs et belle couleur
Superb, very beautiful fields and beautiful color
Very red indeed.
Very colorful with the red and purple. Nice one.
Beautiful!! very RED!
Love it. It looks like a Van Gogh painting !
Pretty field of flowers!
Beatiful field.
I am so glad for your visit and thank you very much for your commentaries.
I hope I have the opportunity to show, in person, the wonders of Mexico city.
Beautiful - I love it! I have a classic Wisconsin rural scene for Theme Day today.
Awesome photo!!! It is soooo beautiful.
What a nice composition....have a nice week Jazzy...
Just beautiful!
This has to be one of the most beautiful posts of today Jazzy! (and I've seen nearly all)
I just love it!
I think I'm falling in love with your country :)
Great field of flowers.
wow - this is beautiful and judging by all the comments you received, I can safely say this is perhaps one of the best red photos!
8NOVGu The best blog you have!
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