Theme Day January 2008 Best Photo of the year
Happy New Year to you all and thanks again for supporting TuzlaDP for another year.
Peace and Love!!!
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What a sweet photo! I think that it's a perfect choice!
Happy New Year,
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Again...sorry! I do agree with your choice, Lilly, very nice photo telling so many things...
Happy New Year, Bonne et heureuse année!
I can see why you chose it, it brings a smile :)
This is a very beautiful photo. Photos with kids are always the best ones.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Lovely capture of innocence there! Looking forward to more great shots in 2008! Happy New Year!
It's a wonderful choice - I love it!
Happy New Year to you and yours and here's to a wonderful 2008 for the Daily City Photo Blog community.
Jenny, Sharon (CT, USA) Daily Photo
Sweet blog!
Hi Lilly, Hello Jazzy!
Wishing you both love eternal and a year filled with smiles.
I hard see newspaper around these days, what more seeing children reading it..Love the choice :)
ps. wish you a fruitful year ahead!
This is a really nice photo of the boys. I can see why you chose it. I wonder just what they find so interesting in the paper.
Happy New Year Jazzy!
Jazzy, I don't know how I missed this on theme day because I always check your posts. Perhaps because there were so many!! I clearly recall the first time you posted this lovely shot. Children are the treasures of the world. Great capture.
Great photo!!! Children are so sweet. Great job!
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