Theme Day May 2007 City Exchange
a) Mediterranean sea
b) Captain Hook's ship in Neverland
c) Tuzla's Modrac Lake
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seems you may be all at sea
I'll choose the Mediterrean. Right or wrong?
Captain Hook's ship!!!
I dreamt of him last night chasing me in my sleep when I was visiting Tuzla. :-)
Can I have a guess?
Tuzla's Modrac lake...
Your multiple choice selection is a great idea. I have to go with (B) Captain Hook's ship in Neverland.
Absolutely Captain Hook's ship in Neverland, because Mediterranean see is more blue and Modrac Lake more braun ( ? )and water in Neverland is just so light blue as in your picture!
And this is true! I have been in Neverland with my grandchildren ;)
Oh I'm not sure. I was once a prisoner of Captain Hook and only got to see the deck briefly as I was forced to walk the plank. It was all a blur. I'm glad that you were able to snap this photo!
All right, I believe this is Tuzsla but you got me wondering for a good while! Great fun Jazzy!
It's (B)! Nothing else!
That's a tough one. Hmmm, Neverland? Nice photo!
Capt'n Hook sounds good to me.
My Theme Day is of a city unto itself, with its own zip code, and a portrait of the "Peashooter" at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. Hope you like flying.
I really don't know! but i guess Tuzla's Modrac lake... just for saying one
my answers are a and b and c. it's captain hook's ship in neverland which is located in tuzla's modrac lake. which actually flows into the mediterranean sea (via all the other seas) :)
Everyone it seems wants to go on Captain Hook's ship, so check me in looks like a fantasy come true! Happy Theme Day from Maui!
HA! All the above.
Did you catch any lobster?
I like Edwin's answer :) but I will choose b).
When will we get an answer?
Well, it could be just about anywhere! Great photo and it would be hard to choose were it not for your clues.
Da nije one zicare sa Modraca u cosku slike, mozda bi se i zamislio...
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